Thursday, October 10, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

In your composition book, title this entry "Paragraphing," and add today's date "10/15/13."  
Answer these questions by creating a list of responses for each.  Examine a book you're reading (or another book) to help you come up with responses.

A)  How does paragraphing help a reader?

 B)  When should you begin a new paragraph? 

Helps them understand where a chapter or segment is beginning -- organizes
when someone new is talking
change of place
find your place
new idea or topic

When there is a change in --
P. place
A. action
T. time
S. speaker

  • when it feels right
  • when you feel a pause, some change
  • when a passage just gets too long

Computer Lab 223
  1. Child's book -- You must have a final copy ready to print by October 23.  (Create them on Word.) 
  2. If needed, post, finish, and/or edit your me-bag stories.
      • Each individual needs to post a story, even if you've worked on it together.  Edit together. 
  3. Don't forget your "Inspired By" Poem.  Add one you've written -- in response to Love That Dog poems -- to your blog. 

To you Blog Posters: 
I need to speak with Yoda, ObiWan, and Heart



  • Why paragraph?
  • How do you know when to begin a new paragraph? 

Writing complete  and correct sentences:

Punctuating Conversation I 

Spelling:  Check each word you are not 100% sure of. 

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