Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Find your assigned seat.

1. Picture Prompt:  In your composition book or on a half-sheet of lined paper, write a response to the picture projected on the screen.  You could write a description, a commentary, a poem, a brief story, or whatever you're moved to write based on that picture.  Your response should be about a half-page or so long.  Give it a title and today's date. 

2. editing  


3. me-bags
take notes!

4. prompt -- my writing process

Model: Ms. Dorsey's Writing Process

Teacher notes:  Story Based on Me-Bag Notes

Gail Carson Levine An Author's Blog

Silent conversation:  What sorts of things do people write?  What genres could you write in?  Name a really well-written book -- one you've loved reading.  

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