Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday, April 29, 2013

Prompt:  Write about plays --  plays you've seen, plays you've been in, plays you've read, plays you'd like to see or read.  

Copy these notes in your writer's notebook.
Advice for  Reading Plays:
1) Read all the stage directions carefully.
2) Notice what the dialogue reveals about the characters.
3) Look for the conflict, problem, or tension.
4)  Notice the plot as the play unfolds.
5)  Take your time as you read. 
Explanation:  (You don’t need to copy all of this, but try to understand it.) Dialogue is meant to be heard so if you are reading it to yourself, you need to provide the feelings that go with the dialogue.  Plays are meant to be heard, so you need to visualize what is happening on stage.
6)   Expect some confusion in the beginning. 


Advice for Writing Plays:

1.    Outline the plot of your play before you start writing.
2.    Use play-writing format including a list of characters at the beginning and giving the name of the character before each chunk of dialogue.
3.    Write clear stage directions.

3.  Read from a play.

4.  Your assignment is to write one scene from a play about anything you wish.  Include a descriptive list of characters.    Use dialogue and clear stage directions to tell your story. 

Finish Children's books:
Kiley Q.
Emma R.
Kalie T.
Lauren H.
Chandler T. -- convert to Word, and finish if needed

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