Monday, January 16, 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012 Agenda

Welcome to a new semester and a new class!

1. Self-Starter:  Receive/Select a notebook.  Write your name clearly on the front.
a. One the third page in, pick a prompt from the list titled "Creative Writing Prompts About Me," and write at least a half-page response in your notebook.  Give it a title and today's date.
b.  Write a response to the picture projected on the screen.  You could write a description, a commentary, a poem, a brief story, or whatever you're moved to write based on that picture.  Your response should be about a half-page or so long.  Give it a title and today's date.

2. Receive disclosure document.  Take a quiz on it.  If you have extra time, start filling in the VIP form.

3. Create a headline for a true story about you.  -- Kept for next time.

4. Receive the me-bag assignment.

5. Learn about a published author.  Today our spot-lighted author will be Christopher Paolini -- Moved to next time, January 19. 

6.  If extra time, get acquainted with the classroom.

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