Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

1. Self-Starter:  Pick up your notebook and folder. 
a.  Pick a prompt from the list titled "Creative Writing Prompts About Me," and write at least a half-page response in your notebook.  Give it a title and today's date.
b.  Write a response to the picture projected on the screen.  You could write a description, a commentary, a poem, a brief story, or whatever you're moved to write based on that picture.  Your response should be about a half-page or so long.  Give it a title and today's date.
For this response, part of your response could be in pictures. 

c. Hand in disclosure signatures and VIP form if you have brought them back.

2.   Mini-lesson on Titles 

3. Present  the me-bag assignments for today.

5. Assignment for Next time:  Bring a favorite (or other) children's book.
If you have a Me-Bag presentation next time, don't forget.

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