Saturday, August 15, 2015

Creativity Collage

Collage of Creativity -- About Me!
 (All work except the picture collage will end up typed or neatly written in black ink.)
I.  Make a title page for your entire assignment with a creative title, and with your name, class, and the date. 

II.  Create an 8 1/2" x 11" collage of pictures and or other illustrations that represent you and your interests.                                                                                            Due _________________________

III.  Write bio-poems based on two of the patterns you are given.  Due ________________________

IV.  Choose three out of the following ten choices. Title each assignment. (Use complete, correct sentences in your writing.)                                                                                                                                 Due ________________________
1. Top Ten  -- Create a top ten best and worst list (ten best and ten worst) of things that have happened to you so far in your life.  You must be specific, detailed, and creative.  Don't say -- 1. Born 2. Moved, etc.  Each item should be at least two creative sentences long.  Have a title for your lists -- not "My Top Ten."  Be more creative.  (Use complete, correct sentences in your writing.)

2. Junior High Hang-Ups Poem or Essay -- Write a poem or informal essay about a theme that is important to junior high school students.  For example, friendship, conformity, originality, education, family, finding talents, being yourself, staying away from drugs or other addictions, self-esteem, honor, popularity, careers, status symbols, sports, band, etc. or your own idea.  Use poetry techniques -- metaphors, power words, alliterations, symbols, figurative language, etc.  Don't rhyme.  Your poem must be at least twenty lines long.  The essay must be a page, double-spaced.  Have a creative title. 
                                                                (Page lengths refer to typed pieces.  Handwritten will be longer.)
3.  How to Survive in Junior High -- Make a list of twenty specific and truly valuable pieces of advice you would like to give new seventh graders.  Your list may be humorous but must contain "true" wisdom and be appropriate.  Have a creative title.

4.  Me and My Shadow -- Do you have someone you are with constantly -- a shadow?  Write at least a half page, double-spaced about how you are alike and yet different.  Why do you make a good pair?  Have a good title.

5.  What if. . .   What if. . . is a big question.  Make a list of twenty what if's.  Be specific and creative. 

6.  My Family -- Write at least a half a page, double-spaced, about how you have affected your family.  What would your family be like without you?  What do you add?  Have a title.

7.  Celebrations of Education -- Write at least two or three sentences celebrating -- notice the word is "celebrate" not "desecrate" each year of your public education.  Be sure to include the grade, teacher, and school.  Be specific.  Have a title. 

8.  Honoring Me -- Design a certificate with a border and a graphic that honors you for some specific but perhaps hidden talent.  Make this a talent of character rather than ability.  Be specific and creative -- not just "Good Friend."

9.  My Golden Rules -- Make a list of ten very specific and original-to-you rules to live by.  What wisdom and advice do you have to offer the world gleaned from your own experience.  Have a title.

10. Fifteen  Minutes of Fame -- Someone once said, "Everyone will experience fifteen minutes of fame in his or her lifetime."  What will your fifteen minutes be?  You may write in short story form -- narrative -- or explanatory style.  This must be at least a half of a page, double spaced.  Have a creative title.                                                   (Dorsey, 1-17-06, Adapted from materials presented by Brenda Burr and Launa Strong)


Getting Started:  Ms. Dorsey’s Choices for the Creativity Collage

(Top Ten)                          My Life in a List – The Worst!
10.  It broke my heart when I lost my kitchen!  We had recently remodeled, and I had my dream kitchen. I’d been able to pick out everything in it from the cabinets to the ovens to the faucet. I hadn’t enjoyed it very long when we had to move. 

9.   I had my chance and blew it!  When I was in college, there was this guy in my zoology class.  He was handsome and smart and from California (which I thought was exotic and exciting – California, that is).  I was amazed when he asked me out on a date to the planetarium.   I was so nervous that I wasn’t very good company on that date.  He never asked me out again!  At the time, I thought I’d die. :  )
. . .

Celebrations of Education

First Grade:  Somehow my mom had enough clout to get me into the best grade school in Burley, Idaho.  It was an old run-down building called Overland Elementary, and was in the worst part of town, but that school had the best teachers in the area.  I loved my teacher, Mrs. Horne.  I remember the basement classroom, a set of seven colorful rubber  dwarves we could play with, numbers and letters on a flannel board, and building “mouse trails and houses” in the thick grass along the chain link fence with my best school friend Darwin Silcox. 

Second Grade:  Still at Overland, my teacher was Mrs. Dummer, and I kinda thought she was.  I remember thinking I was a true artist when I drew a picture of the three little pigs.  I was so proud.  And I remember the fall carnival, with a white elephant sale in my own classroom.  I wanted to buy all those marvelous things, as I looked and looked for a real white elephant. 

Third Grade:  Mrs. Budge read to us from the Thornton Burgess animal stories.  We’d say the pledge of allegiance and recite the Lord’s Prayer every morning. 
In October I moved to a brand new school, where one of the best teachers had transferred, so then I was in Mrs. Williams class where we learned about dinosaurs, and I could spell tyrannosaurus all by myself.  Because the school was still being built, we played “I’m the king of Bunker Hill” on mounds of dirt in the schoolyard, and we were bussed to the junior high for lunchtime.

What if. . .
1.   What if eating double chocolate ice cream made you lose weight?
2.   What if gasoline cost only 25 cents a gallon?
3.   What if our lunch breaks were an hour long instead of thirty minutes?
4.   What if dishes cleaned themselves – and put themselves back in the cupboards?
5.   What if snow and ice never stuck to my sidewalks and driveways?
6.   What if all students did their homework and handed it in 
-- on time? !!!!!

(Junior High Hang-Ups)     Conformity

         Why is it that when kids want to be different, most of them dress alike?   


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