Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday, January 12, 2015

Turn in your hall passes if you have not yet done that.

for Monday --
Scribble #4  -- Jeff
You look behind you and see your worst nightmare.

Focus Free-writing --




Scribble #5  --
You find yourself at the elementary school.  You are in first grade.  However you remember being in seventh grade, and all that you have learned and experienced.  What is first grade like for someone who looks six year old but is actually twelve or thirteen?

Scribble #6 -- There was a dark shadow in the corner and it disappeared with a blink of an eye.

Grammar Punk
5.  Play Grammar Punk, if time.

The teacher will roll the sets of dice to determine qualifications for the sentences you will write. 

Subject of the sentence
Use words that begin with a certain letter -- How many?
Use a particular part of speech
Use a particular punctuation mark

Subject: animals

Letter: I 

# words that begin with the letter: 2

Part of speech: Interjection 

Subject: sports

Letter:  o

# words that begin with the letter: 3

Part of speech:   adverb 

Subject:  any

Letter:  f

# words that begin with the letter:  two

Part of speech: interjection

Subject: food

Letter:  t

# words that begin with the letter:  two

Part of speech:  conjunction

Keep calm and keep on writing!

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