Friday, January 18, 2013

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

1.  Retrieve your notebook from the crate.
2. Hand in your disclosure signatures and VIP form if you have them ready. 

3.  Complete these writing prompts 

a.  Pick a prompt from the list titled "Creative Writing Prompts About Me," and write at least a half-page response in your notebook.  Give it a title and today's date.

b.  Write a response to the picture projected on the screen.  You could write a description, a commentary, a poem, a brief story, or whatever you're moved to write based on that picture.  Your response should be about a half-page or so long.  Give it a title and today's date.

Use this link to go to the picture prompt: CRYSTAL CAVE – SKAFTAFELL, ICELAND

4. Me-Bags

5.  Writing Advice:  Spilling Ink 

A writer's blog:

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