Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013

1. Prompt:  Something is hiding behind this tree. What is it and why is it hiding?

2. Dialogue

      Writing a script to develop dialogue

Creating a Scene to Create Dialogue for a Short Story or Memoir

[This scene took place last summer on 63rd Street under the El on a Friday afternoon.  My friends and I walked down the street.  We heard a siren and we went out into the street to see what was up.  All of a sudden, a car whipped out of Drexel Avenue and turned to come at us.  But it was going all over the street.  The next thing we saw was a cop car with lights blinking, siren going.  The car was running away, going all over the place.]

HANK: [jumping out of the way] Hey, get out of the street! Look out! That driver  crazy!
GERALD:  Watch out!  He coming at us!
SNAKE:  We outta here.

[The car slammed into one of the posts for the El. Blam!  Big crash. The cop car stops about 40 feet behind the crashed car. A cop jumped out with is gun drawn.  He crept nearer to the crashed car.  The cop looked at us.]

COP:  You kids, get outta here.  This guy has a gun.  He isn’t afraid to use it.
HANK:  He look dead from here.
COP: What is he doing?
HANK: Ain’t doin’ nothin’ ‘cept bleedin’
COP:  Is he bleeding bad?
HANK:  Yeah.  Look like his face hit the windshield.
COP:  Okay.  You keep an eye on him from there. Yell if he moves.

[The cop crept to the side of the car.  He stood up slowly with his gun pointed at the dude’s head. . . . ]

Example adapted from George Hillocks, Jr.  Narrative Writing

3. Computer lab 223: Work on your short story or memoir.

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