Monday, November 18, 2013

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Prompt:  Briefly rewrite a classic story from the point of view of the "bad guy/antagonist/villain."  This could be from a fairy tale, legend, myth, etc.

Here is an example:
 Snow White from the point of view of the Queen

            I’d been a single woman for far too long when I met Stephan.   Oh, I was known as a great beauty – the fairest of them all (successful careers in acting and modeling) and I’d dated a lot of men, but none of them swept me off my feet  like he did.  After all, he was handsome and kind and King!
  His daughter Snow White – he doted on her – Yes I did feel a little jealous, but I loved the child as a daughter  except she could certainly be irritating
always singing into  wells – you know that echoing sound – grates on the nerves
and when you have a lot of birds gathering around --  you know what birds leave behind
After Stephen died,  I tried to be the best mother I could to little Snow White – didn’t want her growing up a spoiled princess – had her do some chores around the house –
She did grow more and more beautiful with each passing year –
Had huntsman take her for a healthy outing in the woods – apparently when I told him it would be good for her heart – he thought I’d said to cut out her heart – how can a man be so stupid?
she ran away –
It was because I’d provided opportunities for her to clean and cook in the castle that she was able to get a job working for the seven dwarves.
Duh. . . I said "good for her heart,
"not "cut out her heart"!
I knew that men aren’t all that good at grocery shopping, and they never remember to get fruits and vegetables, so I decided to take her some apples which were just ripe. . .
I figured she would still be frightened of me because of the heart misunderstanding, 
so I dressed in a disguise – an old-woman costume from my acting days.

She ate so fast she choked. I tried the Heimlich maneuver. It didn’t work, but when that prince came along and kissed her, she gasped.  I would have too if he’d kissed me --and the piece came loose.

#1 Child's Book if not completely finished and turned in
#2 Newsletter article -- due Friday
#3 Thank you due next Tuesday
#4 Beginnings of a fictional story and a nonfiction/memoir/personal narrative due December 5.

Some of you are doing GREAT on your newspaper articles!!!!!  I can't wait to see the rest!

To post your Thank You's, log in to the Thank You Blog on Kidblog.  The password is [ask me or see the post on Kidblog.]   Then create a new post with your thank you.  Make it creative, lovely, meaningful!  It can be to someone near or far, living or dead, real or not. 

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