Thursday, March 31, 2011

March 31, 2011

Bell-Ringer:  Respond to the Picture Prompt (Outdoor TV  -- see below) in your composition book.

Outdoor TV Picture Prompt

2. " If you give a . . . .  a. . . . . " (Write at least 12 lines.)
We read If You Give a Pig a Pancake  and one about a 13 year old boy.

3.  Work on your underland/down the rabbit hole story  or on your children's book.

B4: Attend the Writers' Conference unless you have been given an alternate assignment.

Beach House?

Outdoor TV Picture Prompt

Respond to this picture prompt with a poem, story, description, explanation, commentary, or whatever you wish.  
For a header use today's date and the title "TV?"

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bell-Ringer:  Bingo Prompt   B3= E1,  B4=D3

Falling Down the Rabbit Hole. . .
Creating a land and a way to get there

Student-Teacher consultations about children's books and about the Writers' Conference

Friday, March 25, 2011

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Writers' Conference B4

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Monday, March 21, 2011

AFJH Young Writers' Conference

This is a yearly event, held for students who enjoy writing and want to become better at doing it.  Our guest speaker this year is Jessica Day George, nationally published author, and very entertaining speaker. We will meet during B4 on March 31 in the Media Center.
You will need an invitation to attend, so see your English or Creative Writing Teacher if you are interested.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

Last day of Third Term 

Bell-Ringer: Write a request to attend the Writers' Conference if you would like to go.
We played a little Grammar Punk, rolling dice and creating sentences based on the roll of the dice.

We were able to work in Computer Lab 201 on our children's books and/or an extra credit (for next term) opportunity, and those students who were willing to were able to complete some missing assignments.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Bell-Ringer:  Students worked on learning how to punctuate direct quotations.

Punctuate these statements or bits of conversation (dialogue):

1.   The teacher said   In this class there will be no talking, chewing, breathing, unnecessary eye movements, or tap dancing

2.  I questioned   Are you up on the furniture again  you bad dog  Get down now

3.  I just finished reading The Lost Hero   she remarked
     So what did you think of it    I asked
     It was excellent    she exclaimed
     I agreed    I loved it too 

4.  I wish today were Friday     she said     I’ve been looking forward to it for months now
     How come   he asked
     Because finally I’m supposed to get my braces taken off.   At least that’s what my orthodontist promised     

Computer Lab 223
They worked on their books for the elementary children, and if done or if they had left what they needed at home, they were to write to the Creative Writing  prompts on My Access.

Please check your grades on Skyward to see if there is anything you haven't done that you should have!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Bell-Ringer:  Punctuation exercise to show the importance of punctuation.  What a difference punctuation makes!   Download the worksheet with this link:  Dear John Student Worksheet.doc

Computer Lab 223
We worked on the children's books and those with extra time wrote to prompts on MyAccess.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bell-ringer:  Bingo Prompt:  B3:  B5    B4:       
Computer lab 212 to work on children's books.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 14, 2011

Bell-Ringer:  MyAccess Prompt: Mirror View  
-- Write a story based on the photo provided. 

Work on child's book -- type and save on your wiki page, or you could do it on Word and save it to your thumb drive.  

There are picture files available on the wiki -- photos from when we went to interview the children.  After you have written your story you could add a picture or two from there to your book.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Fieldtrip to Legacy to interview first graders.

Grading for Children's book 2(1).doc