This can be fiction or nonfiction.
Still in the composition book:
2. Write about luck -- good and or bad.
3. Punctuation mini-lesson
The History of a Few Punctuation Marks with thanks to Nancie Atwell.
-- Quotations marks were originally lip-shaped marks to show that someone else was speaking.
-- The exclamation mark started out as the word "Io" which liek saying "Wow!" It was shortened to Io, then to an I with a dot behind it, then the dot was moved under the I and that evolved to our current mark !
-- The period came from "peri" which meant round and when the writer had finished writing a sentence he had completely gone around what he was trying to express. It was written as a circle, which became the dot we use now.
-- The comma comes from "komma" which means "little knife/to cut off" so the symbol was of a little knife, and evolved into our comma (,). 4. Time to work on your mystery or Underland story.
By May 19th, you should have handed in a finished, quality copy. This should be ready for publishing in a class "magazine" of either your Mystery or Underland story, so it would be best if you could type it. Make sure you improve (revise your story), then clean up errors. You may also submit quality copies of poems.
photography by C. Dorsey
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